UPSC History Optional Syllabus

The UPSC History Optional syllabus aims to offer aspirants with a thorough understanding of historical events, trends, and interpretations. It covers a wide range of themes, including ancient, medieval, and modern Indian history, as well as international history.

The UPSC History Optional Syllabus covers topics including political history, social and economic transformation, cultural interactions, and regional dynamics. Aspirants are expected to critically examine historical materials, historiography, and various historical views. They will discuss ancient civilizations, medieval empires, colonialism, nationalist movements, and post-independence changes.

In addition to factual knowledge, the syllabus promotes critical thinking, information synthesis, and the capacity to deliver coherent and well-structured arguments within historical narratives. Overall, the UPSC History Optional syllabus requires a thorough examination of the history, as well as a sophisticated grasp of the factors that have shaped civilizations, nations, and global connections.

UPSC History Optional Syllabus for Paper 1

  1. Sources
    • Archaeological sources
      • Exploration
      • Excavation
      • Epigraphy
      • Numismatics
      • Monuments
    • Literary sources
      • Indigenous
        • Primary and secondary sources
        • Poetry
        • Scientific literature
        • Literature in regional languages
        • Religious literature
      • Foreign accounts
        • Greek writers
        • Chinese writers
        • Arab writers
  2. Pre-history and Proto-history
    • Geographical factors
    • Hunting and gathering (Paleolithic and Mesolithic)
    • Beginning of agriculture (Neolithic and Chalcolithic)
  3. Indus Valley Civilization
    • Origin, date, extent
    • Characteristics, decline, survival, and significance
    • Art and architecture
  4. Megalithic Cultures
    • Distribution of pastoral and farming cultures
    • Development of community life
    • Settlements
    • Development of agriculture
    • Crafts
    • Pottery
    • Iron industry
  5. Aryans and Vedic Period
    • Expansions of Aryans in India
    • Religious and philosophic literature
    • Transformation from Rig Vedic period to the later Vedic period
    • Political, social, and economical life
    • Significance of the Vedic Age
    • Evolution of Monarchy and Varna system
  6. Period of Mahajanapadas
    • Formation of States (Mahajanapada)
    • Republics and monarchies
    • Rise of urban centers
    • Trade routes
    • Economic growth
    • Introduction of coinage
    • Spread of Jainism and Buddhism
    • Rise of Magadha and Nandas
    • Iranian and Macedonian invasions and their impact
  7. Mauryan Empire
    • Foundation of the Mauryan Empire
    • Chandragupta, Kautilya, and Arthashastra
    • Ashoka
    • Concept of Dharma
    • Edicts
    • Polity, Administration, Economy
    • Art, architecture, and sculpture
    • External contacts
    • Religion
    • Spread of religion
    • Literature
    • Disintegration of the empire
    • Sungas and Kanvas
  8. Post-Mauryan Period
    • Indo-Greeks, Sakas, Kushanas, Western Kshatrapas
    • Contact with the outside world
    • Growth of urban centers, economy, coinage
    • Development of religions (Mahayana)
    • Social conditions, art, architecture, culture, literature, and science
  9. Early State and Society in Eastern India, Deccan, and South India
    • Kharavela
    • The Satavahanas
    • Tamil States of the Sangam Age
    • Administration, Economy, land grants, coinage, trade guilds, urban centers
    • Buddhist centers
    • Sangam literature and culture
    • Art and architecture
  10. Guptas, Vakatakas, and Vardhanas
    • Polity and administration
    • Economic conditions
    • Coinage of the Guptas
    • Land grants
    • Decline of urban centers
    • Indian feudalism
    • Caste system
    • Position of women
    • Education and educational institutions
    • Literature, scientific literature, art, and architecture
  11. Regional States during Gupta Era
    • The Kadambas
    • Pallavas
    • Chalukyas of Badami
    • Polity and Administration
    • Trade guilds
    • Literature
    • Growth of Vaishnava and Saiva religions
    • Tamil Bhakti movement
    • Shankaracharya
    • Institutions of temple and temple architecture
    • Palas, Senas, Rashtrakutas, Paramaras
    • Cultural aspects
    • Arab conquest of Sind
    • Chalukyas of Kalyana
    • Cholas
    • Hoysalas
    • Pandyas
    • Local Government
    • Growth of art and architecture, religious sects, Institution of temple and Mathas, Agraharas, education and literature, economy and society
  12. Themes in Early Indian Cultural History
    • Languages and texts
    • Major stages in the evolution of art and architecture
    • Major philosophical thinkers and schools
    • Ideas in Science and Mathematics
  13. Early Medieval India, 750-1200
    • Polity
    • Major political developments in Northern India and the peninsula
    • Origin and the rise of Rajputs
    • The Cholas: administration, village economy and society
    • Indian Feudalism
    • Agrarian economy and urban settlements
    • Trade and commerce
    • Society: the status of the Brahman and the new social order
    • Condition of women
    • Indian science and technology
  1. Cultural Traditions in India, 750-1200:
  1. The Thirteenth Century:
  1. The Fourteenth Century:
  1. Society, Culture, and Economy in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries:
  1. The Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Century – Political Developments and Economy:
  1. The Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Century – Society and Culture:
  1. Akbar:
  1. Mughal Empire in the Seventeenth Century:
  1. Economy and Society in the 16th and 17th Centuries:
  1. Culture during the Mughal Empire:
  1. The Eighteenth Century:

UPSC History Optional Syllabus for Paper 2

  1. European Penetration into India:
    • The Early European Settlements
    • The Portuguese and the Dutch
    • The English and the French East India Companies
    • Their struggle for supremacy
    • Carnatic Wars
    • Bengal – The conflict between the English and the Nawabs of Bengal
    • Siraj and the English
    • The Battle of Plassey
    • Significance of Plassey
  2. British Expansion in India:
    • Bengal – Mir Jafar and Mir Kasim
    • The Battle of Buxar
    • Mysore
    • The Marathas
    • The three Anglo-Maratha Wars
    • The Punjab
  3. Early Structure of the British Raj:
    • The Early administrative structure
    • From diarchy to direct control
    • The Regulating Act (1773)
    • The Pitt’s India Act (1784)
    • The Charter Act (1833)
    • The Voice of free trade and the changing character of British colonial rule
    • The English utilitarian and India
  4. Economic Impact of British Colonial Rule:
    • Land revenue settlements in British India
      • The Permanent Settlement
      • Ryotwari Settlement
      • Mahalwari Settlement
    • Economic impact of the revenue arrangements
    • Commercialization of agriculture
    • Rise of landless agrarian laborers
    • Impoverishment of rural society
    • Dislocation of traditional trade and commerce
    • De-industrialization
    • Drain of wealth
    • Economic transformation of India
    • Railroad and communication network including telegraph and postal services
    • Famine and poverty in the rural interior
    • European business enterprise and its limitations
  5. Social and Cultural Developments:
    • The state of indigenous education, its dislocation
    • Orientalist-Anglicist controversy
    • Introduction of western education in India
    • Rise of press, literature, and public opinion
    • Rise of modern vernacular literature
    • Progress of Science
    • Christian missionary activities in India
  6. Social and Religious Reform Movements in Bengal and Other Areas:
    • Ram Mohan Roy, The Brahmo Movement
    • Devendranath Tagore
    • Iswarchandra Vidyasagar
    • The Young Bengal Movement
    • Dayananda Saraswati
    • Social reform movements in India including Sati, widow remarriage, child marriage, etc.
    • The contribution of Indian renaissance to the growth of modern India
    • Islamic revivalism-the Feraizi and Wahabi Movements
  7. Indian Response to British Rule:
    • Peasant movement and tribal uprisings in the 18th and 19th centuries
    • The Great Revolt of 1857
    • Shift in the character of peasant uprisings in the post-1857 period
    • Peasant movements of the 1920s and 1930s
  8. Factors leading to the birth of Indian Nationalism:
    • Politics of Association
    • The Foundation of the Indian National Congress
    • The Safety-valve thesis relating to the birth of the Congress
    • Programme and objectives of Early Congress
    • The social composition of early Congress leadership
    • The Moderates and Extremists
    • The Partition of Bengal (1905)
    • The Swadeshi Movement in Bengal
    • Economic and political aspects of Swadeshi Movement
    • Beginning of revolutionary extremism in India
  9. Rise of Gandhi and Gandhian Nationalism:
    • Character of Gandhian nationalism
    • Gandhi’s popular appeal
    • Rowlatt Satyagraha
    • The Khilafat Movement
    • The Non-cooperation Movement
    • National politics from the end of the Non-cooperation movement to the beginning of the Civil Disobedience Movement
    • The Civil Disobedience Movement phases
    • Simon Commission
    • The Nehru Report
    • The Round Table Conferences
    • Nationalism and the Peasant Movements
    • Nationalism and Working-class movements
    • Women and Indian youth and students in Indian politics (1885-1947)
    • Election of 1937 and formation of ministries
    • Cripps Mission
    • The Quit India Movement
    • The Wavell Plan
    • The Cabinet Mission
  10. Constitutional Developments in Colonial India between 1858 and 1935
  11. Other strands in the National Movement:
  1. Politics of Separatism and Communalism:
  1. Consolidation as a Nation and Post-Independence Developments:
  1. Caste and Ethnicity after 1947:
  1. Economic development and political change:
  1. Enlightenment and Modern ideas:
  1. Origins of Modern Politics:
  1. Industrialization:
  1. Nation-State System:
  1. Imperialism and Colonialism:
  1. Revolution and Counter-Revolution:
  1. World Wars:
  1. The World after World War II:
  1. Liberation from Colonial Rule:
  1. Decolonization and Underdevelopment:
  1. Unification of Europe:
  1. Disintegration of Soviet Union and the Rise of the Unipolar World:

How to Prepare the UPSC History Optional Syllabus?

Preparing for the UPSC History Optional syllabus necessitates a deliberate approach to covering a wide range of historical periods and topics. Here’s a step-by-step instructions:

Remember, constant and committed effort is essential. Approach the subject with interest and an open mind, and make sure your study strategy matches your skills and shortcomings.

Important Topics in the UPSC History Optional Syllabus

The UPSC History optional syllabus comprises themes from ancient, medieval, and modern history. Some relevant themes are:

  1. Sources of Indian History
  2. Pre-history and Proto-history of India
  3. Indus Valley Civilization
  4. Aryans and Vedic Period
  5. Mauryan Empire
  6. Post-Mauryan Period
  7. Gupta Empire and Vakataka Dynasty
  8. Rise of Regional States in India
  9. Early Indian Cultural History
  10. Early Medieval India (750-1200)
  11. European Penetration into India
  12. British Expansion in India
  13. Early Structure of the British Raj
  14. Economic Impact of British Colonial Rule
  15. Social and Cultural Developments in Colonial India
  16. Social and Religious Reform Movements in India
  17. Indian Response to British Rule
  18. Factors leading to the birth of Indian Nationalism
  19. Rise of Gandhi and Gandhian Nationalism
  20. Decolonization and Independence Movement in India

Remember that, while these topics are important, a thorough mastery of the entire curriculum is required. Concentrate on connecting historical events to larger trends and examining the impact of historical processes on contemporary conditions.