Category: History

  • Leopold von Ranke And Berlin Revolution In History Writing For UGC NET History And Other Exams!

    Leopold von Ranke (1795-1886), a 19th-century German historian, is widely regarded as the pioneer of the empirical or Berlin revolution in history writing. He pioneered a new approach to history writing, which is still widely used today. Prior to Ranke, Edward Gibbon pioneered modern historical scholarship with his book Decline and Fall of the Roman…

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  • Delhi Sultanate Economy

    Khalisa The territory whose revenues were directly collected for the Sultan’s own treasury was designated khalisa.  Land Revenue Alauddin’s Market Control Coinage Agrarian Classes  Agricultural Production During the Delhi Sultanate

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  • Sher Shah Suri, Sur Administration and His Reforms

    A centralized political system was again revived by Sher Shah Sur About Sher Shah Sur Administration Revival of Mughals

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  • Administrative System Under Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire

    Delhi Sultanate The Sultans were aware of the fact that they had to rule over a subject population that was largely non-Islamic. Thus the Sultans of Delhi had to introduce particular measures to suit the prevailing conditions in the Sultanate. Administrative System During the Sultanate period the administrative apparatus was headed by the Sultan who…

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  • Vijayanagara Empire

    In 1336, Vijayanagar kingdom was established by Harihara and Bukka, who were two brothers and served in the army of Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq. They broke away from the Delhi Sultanate and established an independent state in Karnataka and established the capital city Vijayanagar on the banks of river Tungabhadra in 1336. Their dynasty was called the Sangama…

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  • Sources of Medieval History

    Let us have a look at some important Sources of Medieval History in the given table: Tutsi  Siyasatnama (Administration & polity)Persian Al Idrisi1154 CE Arab geographer Al- Biruni11th cent, Uzbekistan Tarikh-i Hind/ Kitab ul Hind (travelogue) “Founder of Indology”Came along with Mahmud Ghazni during one of his Indian raids. Marco Polo13th Cent1254-1323, Italy Visited South…

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